Repartition vs Coalesce in Spark

2 minute read

What are Repartition and Coalesce in Spark?


  • repartition() increases or decreases the number of partitions in an RDD or DataFrame.

  • It shuffles data across the cluster to create the desired number of partitions, ensuring an even distribution of data.

  • Suitable for both increasing and decreasing the number of partitions.


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("RepartitionExample").getOrCreate()

data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data, 2)  # 2 partitions
print("Initial partitions:", rdd.getNumPartitions())  # Output: 2

# Increase to 4 partitions
repartitioned_rdd = rdd.repartition(4)
print("Repartitioned partitions:", repartitioned_rdd.getNumPartitions())  # Output: 4


  • coalesce() reduces the number of partitions without a full shuffle.

  • It moves data from some partitions into others, often resulting in fewer partitions than before.

  • Best suited for reducing partitions efficiently when the data distribution is already balanced.


# Reduce to 1 partition
coalesced_rdd = rdd.coalesce(1)
print("Coalesced partitions:", coalesced_rdd.getNumPartitions())  # Output: 1

Layman Explanation Along with Technical One

Layman Explanation

  • Repartition: Imagine you have a pile of books split into 2 bags. If you need to distribute them into 4 bags (or merge into 1 bag), you shuffle the books and evenly distribute them.

  • Coalesce: If you’re reducing from 2 bags to 1, you simply dump one bag into the other without much effort, assuming it fits.

Technical Explanation

  • Repartition: Shuffles data to redistribute it evenly across all partitions. It works well when increasing partitions or when data is skewed across partitions.

  • Coalesce: Merges data from multiple partitions into fewer partitions without shuffling, suitable for reducing partitions when data is already balanced.

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Advantages:
    • Ensures even data distribution across partitions.

    • Suitable for both increasing and decreasing partitions.

  • Disadvantages:
    • Involves a full shuffle, which is expensive in terms of time and resources.


  • Advantages:
    • Avoids a full shuffle, making it faster and more resource-efficient.

    • Ideal for reducing partitions efficiently.

  • Disadvantages:
    • Does not rebalance data distribution, potentially causing skew.

When to Use Repartition and Coalesce?

When to Use Repartition:

  • When increasing partitions to utilize more parallelism.

  • When existing partitions are unevenly distributed, causing data skew.

  • Before saving large datasets to distributed storage systems like HDFS for optimal performance.

When to Use Coalesce:

  • When reducing partitions for optimized execution (e.g., after a large shuffle or filter).

  • When you know the data is evenly distributed across existing partitions.

  • To prepare data for saving as a single file (e.g., coalescing into 1 partition).

When to Avoid Repartition and Coalesce:

  • Avoid repartition when reducing partitions, as coalesce is more efficient.

  • Avoid coalesce if reducing partitions might cause imbalance or data skew.

Key Takeaways


  • For both increasing and decreasing partitions.
  • Always involves a shuffle.
  • Ensures even distribution of data.


  • For reducing partitions only.
  • Avoids shuffle for efficiency.
  • Works best when the existing data distribution is already balanced.

Examples of Real-World Use Cases

1. Optimizing Parallelism for Large Data Processing

  • Scenario: A dataset has 10 partitions but is processed on a cluster with 100 executors.

  • Solution: Use repartition(100) to improve parallelism and speed up processing.

2. Reducing Partitions for Single Output File

  • Scenario: You need to write a small filtered dataset as a single file.

  • Solution: Use coalesce(1) to reduce partitions before writing.

    # Save a single file

3. Handling Skewed Data

  • Scenario: A join operation results in uneven partition sizes.

  • Solution: Use repartition() to redistribute the data evenly.

4. Post-Filter Optimization

  • Scenario: After filtering a large dataset, many partitions are empty or have minimal data.

  • Solution: Use coalesce() to reduce partitions and optimize storage and processing.

    filtered_rdd = large_rdd.filter(lambda x: x > 100)
    optimized_rdd = filtered_rdd.coalesce(5)

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